Monday, July 2, 2012


Sometimes it is just hard to remember to be thankful and happy. 

Here are the things that have been serving as a daily reminder this week!

1. Mumford and Sons
My friend Amy and I are getting ready for the Mumford and Sons concert here in Lincoln in August. I cannot wait! They are inspiring and talented and so folky that I think an outdoor amphitheater is probably the best possible venue.

2. Anthony Kiedis, Scar Tissue
I picked up this autobiography at the recommendation of Rachel, and though I couldn't name a Red Hot Chili Peppers song before a week ago, I am now fully infatuated with the band, and with Kiedis. His writing is honest and enlightened and just melodramatic enough to be moving. My favorite quote: "We used to be so at ease with supporting each other in the best possible way. The weird sense of competition that's always been present between us didn't interfere with our singular purpose at that time. We were just happy to have a spotlight and happy to share it. I guess symbiosis is something that fades in time for no good reason. It's sad." 

3. Online shopping. Yeah, sorry about it, I've been spending a little money on clothes. But let's be real, I need a new wardrobe for the fall, and it's not like I'm squandering away thousands of dollars on dresses and shoes. Most of my shopping is done at the Gap, and the most "high end" I get is buying a $32 headband at Anthropologie. 

4. The Fourth of July! I opted not to go to the big family shindig this year, simply because I really like having the whole house to myself and it doesn't happen very often. So my agenda for the 4th of July includes sleeping in, working out, going to see Moonrise Kingdom, baking some cookies and then going to shoot off fireworks with some of my best friends. I think it will be a delightful day.

5. My Mama. No matter how old I get, I still know that my mom is my biggest supporter and my best friend. The nicest nights are spent watching Brothers and Sisters on the couch and eating food that's not very good for us. I am not scared of many things concerning my upcoming study abroad trip, but the one thing I know is going to be terrifying will be saying goodbye to her at the airport and knowing I won't be able to demand that she "love me!!" whenever I feel needy in the next three months. 

Have a great week, and a fun Fourth!

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