Winter, I'm so glad you're back. I've missed you terribly. November was wonderful, of course, as November always is. But nothing beats walking outside in the morning and just smelling the impending snow. It's the greatest.
As for an update, November was National Novel Writing Month, and I successfully completed the challenge with a grand total of 54,311 words. That's a pretty productive November, I'd say. I'm so thrilled to be finished and have a new manuscript to look at and edit and play around with. Did I mention how much I love November?
And now it's December, and yesterday it snowed. I took a walk in the first snow of the season and hung out with some friends on my floor and just in general had a really fantastic day. Today I'll be spending the majority of my time either hunkered down in Panera, studying, or at Kimball Recital Hall because today is our big holiday concert at the university. Hopefully it'll be a great day - who doesn't love Christmas music?
Some things I'm loving this week:
1. Michael Buble's new Christmas album, particularly this song:
2. My planner. This upcoming week is Dead Week and then I have my first college finals. Somewhere back in mid-November I planned out every single class on every single day so I knew exactly what I needed to get done in order to not fail my finals. So I'm sort of clutching my planner to my chest no matter where I go.
3. Twitter! I just recently got one and I am sort of addicted. When you follow the Kardashian sisters, you learn all sorts of fun things.
4. This was back from November, but the memories still make me smile. I was invited to "Friendsgiving" this year with some of my friends from high school, and it was just the greatest time. We all got together at one house and ate a meal, and one of the guys wrote a play about the 'origins of Thanksgiving' and we had a ceremony for Mr. and Mrs. Friendsgiving. And then we all went back to Cory's house, where he had built a gigantic fort/'wigwam' in his basement. Then, we all watched this movie:
Friendsgiving was probably the best part of my November.
5. My mother, who keeps letting me come home and do my laundry and eat all of her food. I'm just extra thankful for her this week.
Hope your December has started off as magically as mine has!
Ahhh.... such a good kid! Love you!