Monday, May 7, 2012

Movin' Out, Movin' In

Well, year one of college is done!

Last week I moved all my stuff out of the dorm room, said goodbye to my best friend and roommate, and moved back in to my parents' house. It's been a VERY strange adjustment, particularly because my closest friends have, for the most part, retreated to different states and sometimes it feels pretty lonely when you can't walk down the hall and knock on your friend's door to say hello. 

So here's what I've been doing to take my mind off missing my friends and college and living on campus: 

Finding new music
"The Kids Don't Stand A Chance" - Vampire Weekend

"Hannah" - Ray Lamontagne

"Atlantic City" - The Band

Learning Italian
(It's super exciting!! I'm learning all sorts of fun phrases that will hopefully come in handy while I'm abroad.)

Painting My Nails
(Essie is my new favorite brand. So cute.)


Using these as inspiration!


Brie Croque Monsieur sandwiches and roasted tomato soup. The sandwiches were delish, but the soup did not turn out quite like I intended!

Hope everyone's having a great week - I'm off to bed before getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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