Planning to leave the country under the watchful eye of a university is very difficult.
It would be one thing if I were just to say, "See ya, U.S. I'm out."
It's an entirely different thing to try and enroll in a foreign university.
Here are the things that I've been working on:
1. Getting a visa. AKA "Surprise! You cannot just leave the country for more than 90 days without the permission of our government and yours. To obtain that permission, you'd better take a nice trip down to Chicago and see the Italian consulate."
2. Housing for when I return. The housing while I am in Milan is going to be VERY cool - all apartments that I share with two or three other roommates. It was just a problem of where I was going to live when I returned home. We didn't want to spend the money canceling and refilling out contracts with UNL's Housing Department, so (as I am extremely excited to report), we will be apartment shopping!
3. Airfare. I love airplanes. I love airports. I love traveling. The only thing I don't love is trying to find a flight that doesn't cost the rest of my college tuition.
So, those are the things that may have not been so fun. But here are the things that I have had so much fun doing:
1. Planning my classes.
2. Planning my excursions.
3. Planning what I'm going to eat and wear and bring and buy.
4. Planning what Mom and I are going to do when she comes to get me at the end of my adventure.
5. Planning the kind of camera I want to get to take beautiful pictures with.
6. Planning the gifts I'll bring back for my friends.
7. Planning, planning, planning EVERYTHING.
I am so grateful. This is the trip of a lifetime.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!