Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Again, sorry that time has gotten away from me so easily! It is now November, the greatest month of the year, and I have so many things to be excited for this month:

First off, it is National Novel Writing Month, the one month of the year where hundreds of thousands of writers gather from around the world to do that one crazy thing everyone always says they want to do: write the Great American Novel. Okay, so it might not always be great. And for many, it isn't American. But it is a great challenge: 50,000 words in 30 days. That breaks down to about 1,667 words each day, for a grand total of one amazing, destructive, all-together wonderful month. Day two is already a success - I'm about 20 words ahead of schedule :)

It is also that time of year where I start signing up for next semester's classes. Next semester I'll be taking Communications in Small Groups, French Grammar and Composition, Problems in International Relations,  History of Contemporary Europe, Contemporary Issues in Music and the Arts, the choir I have been involved with this semester (although I am looking forward to this more next semester because we have a new instructor, and we'll be joining with the men's choir - I cannot tell you how nice it will be to have some deep basses to counteract the warbling sopranos in that choir), and my E.N. Thompson class. It will be a full semester, just like this one! But I will have finished all of my ACE requirements and will be well on my way to finishing my major.

Soon, I should also be able to start filling out the official applications for my study abroad program next year - it's a busy time here at UNL! Just think, by this time next year, I could be preparing for midterms in Milan.

Some things I'm loving this week: 

1. Ally McBeal. Mom and Dad have been watching this show abundantly over the past few weeks, and I absolutely adore it. I want to be almost every woman on this show - Ally, Renee, Georgia. Not Elaine, though. Probably don't need to invent a face bra. 

2. "Within You" - Ray LaMontagne

3. Peppermint Mochas from Starbucks! What a wonderful way to welcome winter  - it even snowed here a little today. Thank goodness!

4. Bethany Joy Galeotti's Blog. This woman is the absolute greatest - smart, funny, classy and put together, and extremely motivated. She is the reason I was looking to get involved with Love146. She has the greatest support system in place for her fans. 

5. Sensual Amber lotion from Bath and Body Works. Yeah, it's the little things. 

Have a great week, everyone!