Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tread On Trafficking - An Introduction

I think the first thing to do, and perhaps the most important, is to give credit where credit is do. I first got the idea to do Tread On Trafficking from someone I admire and envy greatly: Bethany Joy Galleoti. I first saw her as Haley James Scott on "One Tree Hill," but she has expanded greatly into musical theatre and is also a part of Everly, a folk duo band that I love. If you're interested in reading up on her, you can check out her blog HERE.

Tread on Trafficking is a program that was started by the organization Love146, a non-profit organization that works to abolish the child sex trade as well as rehabilitate those who have been hurt both emotionally and physically by the sex trade. The organization is based in New Haven, CT, and has been working tirelessly in parts of Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States. I think that was what was so difficult for me to comprehend. The United States is supposed to be this great, civilized nation. We are supposed to have sophisticated technology, a fully functioning government, and enough laws to protect the citizens that call this country their home. And yet, over 100,000 children are a part of the child sex trade in the United States each year. Pornography, prostitution, these children are being exploited right here in our own states.

It's for a cause like this that I've decided to get active. I'm a high school student, and every day, I and all of my peers are bombarded with images, movies, articles, and lyrics that glamorize sex and remind us that we can afford to take it, and it's counterpart "love," for granted. Not everyone is so lucky. I've felt so lost the past few months, trying to reckon myself with the fact that soon I will be in college and I'll be surrounded by a lot of new people, some of whom only care about their little corner of the world. I don't want to be a part of that. I want to be someone who can stand up for children around the world and give them a chance at constructive, happy relationships. As Love146 says, "Love Protects. Love Defends. Love Restores. Love Empowers." So I'm Treading on Trafficking! From May 1st to June 30th, I'll be walking, running, and Zumba-ing my way to earning money for Love146. The donors that you recruit can either pledge a certain amount of money based on the miles you run, or they can give a flat amount.

If you're interested in learning more about the cause, you can check out LOVE 146 and see what they're all about. To donate money to my cause, CLICK HERE and enter as much as or as little as you'd like in the donation box. My goal is $200, but I'm working with Bethany Joy Galleoti and the Love Warriors to raise $2000 overall.

This is something I'm really passionate about, and I can't wait to get started! Thank you in advance for all your support.
